After my last neon tutorial in illustrator I thought it would be interesting to see how the effect would be executed in photoshop. The tutorial is long and extensive. Yet the result is quite realistic and intense. I would like to try this effect on a few pictures of mine! It seems to be quite futuristic!
Smooth NATURAL Looking Skin
I chose this tutorial since I absolutely hate when someone takes their pictures into iPhoto and uses the magic wand. It's so detectible and really tacky! Since I hate when people use that mediocre air brushing I thought it would be good to touch up on my touch-upping skills! The tutorial is simple and helpful.
Pop Art
I love Pop Art so I had to look into this one. The process seems fairly simple...perhaps that is why the tutorial's final image wasn't as Pop Artish as the originals... Bummer. I wonder if this is simple due to a couple steps missing...
Smokin' Woman
Well quite frankly I had to check this one out! The title was intriguing and well this looks like a fun thing to do in photoshop. The tutorial is laid out in a user friendly manner. At times it seems like helpful commentary is lacking...
Getting the details on how to achieve some perfecting moves for patterns. Unfortunately the pattern in the tutorial has no originality or spunk like Julia Rothman's greatness...but it suits its purpose.
Retaining Spot Color
This tutorial was interesting and caught my eye. I feel that this tutorial could add an added effect to my pins! The end product has such 3-d qualities...with minimal steps to achieve it.I love how the shadow of the swirl shows through in such a light manner. This was a quick tutorial and could complement a variety of project quests.
Transform, Style + Blend
I love these type of images that encompass creativity, geometry and various mathematics. This image seems like the elementary stages of some of Pentegram's works. The tutorial does a great job demonstrating how to manipulate shapes and overlay them in an organized manner...instead of having a messy wad of string...
Crazy Pie Charts
This tutorial seemed like it would be fun. I am majoring in marketing and advertising; therefore, we often have to use graphs including pie charts. Overall the charts are fairly boring...they all look so similar. Yet with this tutorial I can easily add some character to those boring charts. The cool thing is that I have the option to go both ways... wacky crazy or business professional.
Expressive Shining Eye
This a very extensive tutorial. So detailed that it is broken up into 2 tutorials. I found the tutorial off of When I clicked on the link to the 2-parted tutorial I was directed to a site that offered various paint brush textures... not exactly what I wanted! So I googled the name of the tutorial and found this one...which combines the two parts into one! Yay! The first page of tutorial results in the creation of the eye with various effects. The second page of the tutorial completes the shining eye by adding more depth and glow to the image.
Neon Lights Effect
This tutorial is seemingly easy. Yet the neon lights effect could easily be used in multiple ways. It would be interesting to add the effect to night pictures or as a glowing background effect with interesting lines...
good work, lady! thanks thanks!